• Child Custody Investigators

  • What is a child custody investigation?

    A child custody Investigation is an Investigation of a child’s well-being and treatment, generally as a part of a divorce, separation, or custody case.
    An ordinary Investigation includes an Investigator assessing the remedy of a child by way of his or her dad and momThe realization of the Investigator is then stated to the court docket and utilized in custody critiquesWhen going thru a divorce, a child custody Investigation will offer dependable proof without the unfairness.
  • Hiring a Private Investigator For Child Support

    In the case of a divorce or separation our child custody Private Investigators from Pi Services Detective Agency can make sure that the children involved stay safe during the custody Investigation. Our Private Investigators will assist the parent with Investigations case and their custody battles and maintenance claims. A parent may hire a Investigator to conduct Surveillance to determine what the child’s or children's experience is like with a custody or non-custody parent.
    Child custody Investigations may reveal evidence of abuse, neglect, alcohol or drug abuse that may even lead to a guardian parent's advantage in the case.
    Private Investigators can tell you on the true circumstances and can save children any unnecessary trauma in life.
    Guardians, parents and family members do seek our help and guidance as soon as they become suspicious with regard to unfit supervision. If you have a problems with receiving maintenance payments and the court cannot help due to lies with regard to employment, income and place of residence.
    Hiring a private Investigator for child support can help build  your case with proof.
  • Signs to look out for

    • Not paying maintenance order
    • Lies about work activities
    • Lies about income
    • Drug and Substance abuse
    • Abuse and neglect 
    • Signs of abuse towards children
    • Unsupervised parenting 
    • Alcoholism